The great cyanotype comparison

Friday December 30 2022, 1399 words — A comparison of a multitude of cyanotype processes and their suitability for enlarger based printing
Filed under: Cyanotype, Photography

This post was originally posted to my tumblr in 2017, this version has been slightly revised.

While trying to improve the quality of the cyanotype prints made on my home built enlarger I came across a whole number of different techniques for increasing the sensitivity and quality of cyanotype prints, but I’ve never done a comprehensive comparison.

So a few days ago I sat down and tested 6 different cyanotype formulas and techniques. All prints were made on A5 size printer paper and were exposed for 15 minutes. I chose a negative that has a wide dynamic range with deep shadows and some very bright highlights. All images were first washed in tap water and then in a weak solution of acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide.

I also tested toning with three of the techniques using a mix of tannic acid and black tea.

Most of the different formulations used here were taken from Mike Ware’s excellent Cyanomicon which can be found here:

Lets begin.

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Record Lathe, Pt.1

Wednesday September 21 2022, 1077 words — Introduction to my series on my DIY record lathe.
Filed under: Record Lathe

Hi, welcome to the first short introductory post in a series where I’m going to document my attempt at building my own record lathe!

Work on this started around a year ago, but I haven’t really gotten around to documenting any of it outside of some posts on twitter, so I felt it was time to put this project’s documentation into a less ephemeral form.

Wait, what’s a record lathe?!

Good question! You know records, right? Round, black, shiny discs that contain music in a spiral groove?

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Thursday August 25 2022, 67 words — Welcome to the new blog!
Filed under: Meta

Hi, I’m Kris, and this is my new blog!

Multiple people (at least 2 or 3!) have asked me to set up a blog to document my projects and other endeavors outside of my rather slow flow of youtube videos.

So here you go, a brand new website and blog! Hopefully soon to be filled with ~ C O N T E N T ~!

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